Beata Konarska presents a selection of paintings that, according to her, fit the character of the Poznańska 37 tenement house, somehow referencing or complementing its history. Upon moving to Poznańska 37 with her painting studio, the artist became interested in the history of the tenement house. A painting inspired by Białoszewski’s “stove,” one of many elements of the exhibition, was created.
“I feel very honored to have the opportunity to create and exhibit my works in a space that was part of the post-war artistic and cultural environment in Warsaw – a place that left its mark in Polish poetry.
Białoszewski’s poem ‘Ach gdyby nawet piec zabrali…’ has a very strong resonance for me. The author so suggestively described the loss of the stove, which he didn’t actually lose. The poem captures both the ephemeral and physical aspects of this state. It is also a record of a strong feeling of the energy of objects and places, which sometimes have the power to transport us into different dimensions. When I pass by Białoszewski’s stove from his apartment on my way to the studio, I feel its energy subcutaneously, and I know that I didn’t end up here by accident.
June is “Pride Month,” and I would like to thematically align with the narrative primarily represented by Miron Białoszewski’s own history. Pride, meaning acceptance and freedom in expressing one’s identity, is the opposite of shame and social exclusion.
While living in this tenement, Białoszewski was in a relationship with the artist Leszek Soliński, who, without a legal registration in Warsaw, illegally resided in his sublease half of the room on the second floor. When the matter was revealed, Białoszewski was expected to disavow this relationship. During the Stalinist era, admitting to a homosexual relationship was an act of courage. Białoszewski did not disavow, which directly led to the poet’s dismissal from the editorial office of ‘Świat Młodych’ (Young World). In the apartment on the second floor, times of poverty came, and due to that, the concept of dismantling the stove and selling it for tiles was conceived. However, it was never realized.
The key thematic element of the selected paintings for the exhibition is my fascination with non-binary, fluidity, and the interpenetration of what is feminine and masculine. From the very beginning of my artistic journey, I have been interested in issues related to “otherness,” nonconformity to ready-made patterns, including within the scope of identity. Working on this theme recently, I delved into my own.
With my whole heart and art, I also support everyone for whom being themselves is not so obvious or who feel threatened expressing their own identity. According to research, Poland is the most homophobic country in the EU, so every gesture of support for non-heteronormative individuals is important and needed.”
The tenement house of merchant Boruch Zybert at Poznańska 37 was erected in 1904.
In 2019, a complete revitalization and modernization of the building were completed, meeting the highest standards that combine modernity and classicism.
The common part of the tenement house – the patio – is dedicated to cultural and artistic activities, believing in the genius loci of this place.